Monday, December 14, 2009

It's the final countdown

We're finally down to about 16 days before JG gets home. I've not done a single Christmas preparation. The closest thing to "holiday" I've come to is attending the office seasonal party. I brought the boys, they had babysitting there, and quite honestly that was the only reason I was able to attend.

Last year JG and I went together and his mother sat the kids for us. Martha had taken me to get the dress which was no easy feat as I was on crutches from and ankle surgery. You should have seen my face at the Officer's Club when the event was on the second floor and there wasn't a working elevator. Can we say Cathedral ceilings?

I was daydreaming about how sweet JG was last year. He requested our song "At Last" by Etta James. We 'danced' right there at our table. Here's the photo Ms Carolyn took of us with her cell phone.

This year Gary and Amy Coppage were taking portaits again and it was all I could do not to cry watching our wedding slideshow they had playing. Gary had the first retirement ceremony at the Air Force Memorial and he jumped at the chance to shoot our wedding.

JG and I haven't even picked out photos for the albums. Heck, we haven't even sent out thank you cards yet. (I'm refusing to do them by myself.)

Those things will have to take a back seat to our splurge at the indoor water park Great Wolfe Lodge in Williamsburg and some overall reconnecting. Looks like JG will most likely be home before the New Year so we'll be starting 2010 exactly where I want to be - right by his side.

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