Saturday, March 19, 2011

Normal, Here I Come!

JG left for Japan today. A week ago I started a blog post that didn't quite finish that I'll share with you now (see below) then I'll fill you in on how JG's adventure came about.

FROM MARCH 9TH: So I've been home from my adventures in Colorado for 2.5 weeks now. The knee injury was a bad sprain so my time at home has mostly been spent visiting physical therapy, studying for promotion and cooking. Two weekends ago JG, the boys and I visited my grandmother, Ginger, and my Great Aunt Brenda at my Aunt Daphne's house. It was nice to take advantage of visiting East Coast family while they were house sitting.

This summer the boys will be flying to visit family in New England. They are so excited. Since leaving Virginia the boys are now enjoying a traditional school calendar instead of a year-round schedule. So, the grandparents want to take full advantage. I have no idea what I'm going to do with all the free time. 

Between now and summer vacation we have guests coming to visit us here. JG's mother is visiting us the first week of April. The boys will be on spring vacation and it's also the week of our second wedding anniversary - so JG and I are planning to have a two-night getaway to celebrate. Martha's birthday is also in the month of March so we'll be able to celebrate the occasion while she's here. JG's best man, Mike, is coming here the first week of July with the twins who are now 15. BBQ, fireworks, camping, hiking maybe some boating - it should be fun.

Zachary, Edward and I dropped JG off at the airport this morning on our way to make Zach's morning appointment at Sylvan Learning Center. Surprisingly I didn't cry. I knew it could be worse - so I was thankful of his destination. JG is in his deployment rotation, so if it wasn't Japan for an unknown amount of time it would surely be another six month tasking for the Middle East.

The big joke, since we're trying to have a baby, is that JG needs to wear some groin protection. The other joke is that JG will come home with superpowers. Neither are funny. I take getting pregnant very seriously - so if JG came back with superpowers from a mutation our third child would be even more of a handful.

I need to pick the boys up from their new karate school - they had a parents' night out that they were excited about attending. They wanted to only attend half of the event so they could stay up for a little bit once we're home. 'Super Mom' out. :)

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