Thursday, August 27, 2009

Just a Piece of Paper

Just a piece of paper - that's how I referred to it. The official notification for my March 2010 deployment to Baghdad. It sat on my desk Monday. And Tuesday. Wednesday I was called into an office and asked why I hadn't signed it yet.

Instead of getting around to the pile of administrative formalities, this piece of paper and everything it represented was now singled out and staring me in the face.

Six months without.

Tears rolling down my face I signed.

I wrote my husband. He called me immediately.


  1. Sorry to comment twice on this but i just want you to know that you guys are heroes and we're so grateful to count you as friends. Call or e-mail anytime.

  2. Does the autofocus work with another lens? My autofocus went out once when I dropped a lens, but it worked fine on other lenses. Used that to isolate the problem.

  3. Hey Sam, no, tried it with a few different lenses, had a couple other folks take a look at it. We're just going to send it back. Don't know what I'm going to do for a camera in the meantime though ...
